Summer is travel season, and if you’re like most of us, you’re eager to hit the road for some adventure. But before you pack the shorts and sunscreen, you might want to make a checklist of some emergency items that can be real life-savers in the event of a roadside breakdown.


Cellphone Charger

Even the best cell network coverage is useless your phone runs out of charge. A plug-in charger is an affordable precaution that lets you charge your phone while you drive. Many include a USB port for other devices as well.


First-Aid Kit

Scrapes, cuts, burns, and bug bites tend to find their way into almost every summer vacation. A basic first-aid kit stocked with bandages, tape, disinfectant wipes, antibiotic cream, gauze pads, pain relievers, and burn cream can make dealing with minor injuries much less stressful.



A reliable flashlight (with fresh batteries) is essential, whether you’re in a roadside emergency or just rooting around the dark car for tent pegs. Consider a light that adjusts from spotlight to broad beam to lantern settings. Some even have a red or yellow flashing hazard setting.


Flares or Reflectors

Roadside breakdowns don’t always occur on well-lit roadways. To warn other drivers of your stopped vehicle, pack some roadside flares and warning reflectors. Not only do these items reduce the risk for accidents, they alert police, fire, rescue, and tow crews to your location.


Tire Sealant

Tire punctures tend to happen at the most inopportune times. A can of sealant like Fix-A-Flat can get you back on the road long enough to reach a service station.


Drinking Water & Snacks

Nobody expects to get stranded on a lonely roadway, but in the event it happens, you’ll want to have a good supply of fresh water and snacks on hand. Whether you’re waiting for help or walking in search of assistance, dehydration and hunger can sap your strength quickly, especially in hot weather.


A Utility Tool and Duct Tape

For all those unexpected issues that can make or break a vacation adventure, a handy multi-purpose utility tool and a roll of duct tape (combined with a little ingenuity) can help reduce snags and patch holes.


Jumper Cables

There are few things more dispiriting than a dead car battery. A set of jumper cables can not only get you out of a jam, but can let you come to the aid of other travelers. There are also portable battery jumper sets that charge at any outlet and hold a charge up to 24 hours.


Rope and a Tow Strap

Getting stuck in the mud is no fun. A 6000-pound test tow strap is usually sufficient to get your vehicle (or your off-roader) unstuck. You may also want to keep some lighter gauge rope or a handful of bungee cords on hand to help secure loose gear.


We hope these tips help you enjoy a safe summer road trip!


About Main Line Transmission: Since 1987, Main Line Transmissions has given drivers in the Wayne, Devon, Berwyn, Paoli, Malvern, Exton West Chester and surrounding areas the best transmission service available. Working only on transmissions of every make or model, our technicians are experts through certification, continual training and years of experience.