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When you think of the phrase “transmission trouble” it’s easy to imagine costly repairs that will drain your wallet and sideline your vehicle for a week. But the fact is—not all transmission problems require a complete replacement or rebuild of your vehicle’s transmission. A lot depends on the nature of the problem and how early it’s detected.

Take for example that little noise you just noticed coming from your engine. Maybe it’s an occasional “clunk” when you change gears, or maybe it’s a whine or buzz when your vehicle is in neutral. You may be tempted to ignore it, or […]

By |November 2nd, 2018|Main list|0 Comments

2-wheel drive, 4-wheel drive,or all-wheel drive: which is best for you?

If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, you’re likely to see lots of car and truck makers touting the advantages of their 4-wheel drive (4WD) and all-wheel-drive (AWD) vehicles. But what exactly differentiates these systems from each other, or from 2-wheel-drive (2WD) systems? And how do you choose which transmission type is best for you?

To help you make more informed choices, let’s take a look at the basic mechanics of each system, its pros and cons, and the types of driving environment to which each is best suited.
4-Wheel Drive
Basically, 4WD distributes power to all four wheels […]

By |October 5th, 2018|Main list|0 Comments

6 Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Engine Clean

Let’s face it: our cars’ engines get dirty. They’re hardworking machines that are continually exposed to grit, grime, oil, heat, moisture, and road salt—and while we may be diligent about regular maintenance, keeping our engines clean isn’t always our first priority.

Here are some good reasons that keeping your vehicle’s engine clean makes good sense.

Make problems easier to diagnose
Ever popped the hood, noticed an oil stain or suspicious white deposit and wondered, “Was that there last time?” Routine engine cleaning can help you spot small problems when they arise—and before they become major headaches. Leaks, cracks, rust, […]

By |August 28th, 2018|Main list|0 Comments

7 Common Dashboard Warning Lights And What They Mean

Today’s cars provide drivers with more information than ever before—about everything from tire and oil pressure to transmission and engine problems. The modern dashboard has become a communication interface between you and your car, so knowing what your car is trying to tell you can mean the difference between a quick fix and a costly repair. 


Let’s look at some common dashboard warning lights and what they mean.


Oil Pressure

Your car’s engine requires oil to lubricate its many moving parts, reducing friction and helping to ensure that your car runs smoothly. When your oil pressure is low, a warning light […]

By |June 12th, 2018|Main list|0 Comments

Spring Car Care Tips

Winter is hard on your vehicle. Frigid temps can drain your battery, road salt can worsen rust, and potholes can wreak havoc with your car’s suspension and alignment. That’s why spring is the perfect time to give your vehicle some extra TLC, before summer travel season begins.

Let’s look at a few spring car care tips that can get your vehicle back in top condition.


Wash & Wax
Road salt can do some real damage to your vehicle. Not only can repeated exposure dull your finish, it can accelerate rust in areas where your paint is cracked or chipped. Don’t forget to […]

By |May 3rd, 2018|Main list|0 Comments

Why Is Summer So Tough On Transmissions?

Summer’s nearly here, and for many of us that means taking to the road for some outdoor adventuring. Whether you’re headed to the mountains, the plains, or the beach, summer can take a toll on your vehicle’s transmission. Here we’ll look at a few factors that make summer tough on transmissions and offer some tips on keeping your transmission in smooth operating condition.


Stop-and-Go Traffic

Summer traffic means we don’t always get to cruise to our destination at highway speed. Crowded roadways, construction delays, and severe weather can all result in significant time spent in traffic jams. In such situations, it’s […]

By |August 30th, 2017|Main list|0 Comments

Before Your Summer Driving Adventure, Be Sure These 9 Items Are In Your Car

Summer is travel season, and if you’re like most of us, you’re eager to hit the road for some adventure. But before you pack the shorts and sunscreen, you might want to make a checklist of some emergency items that can be real life-savers in the event of a roadside breakdown.


Cellphone Charger

Even the best cell network coverage is useless your phone runs out of charge. A plug-in charger is an affordable precaution that lets you charge your phone while you drive. Many include a USB port for other devices as well.


First-Aid Kit

Scrapes, cuts, burns, and bug bites tend […]

By |July 28th, 2017|Main list|0 Comments

How Often Should I Change My Transmission Fluid?

One of the common questions asked by car owners is how often to check and change the transmission fluid to assure smooth, trouble-free operation of the vehicle. The answer depends on the type of transmission (automatic or manual), the type of vehicle, and the use level of the vehicle (family car vs. heavy hauler).


Here we’ll take a quick look at what transmission fluid does and offer some guidelines on when to replace the fluid.


Transmission Fluid Basics

Automatic transmission fluid is a lubricant that reduces friction between the moving parts of your transmission. In cars with automatic transmissions, the fluid also […]

By |June 6th, 2017|Main list|0 Comments

What is the Difference Between Transmission Fluid and Motor Oil

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between automatic transmission fluid (ATF) and motor oil? When it comes to comparing the two, there are significant differences.
Motor oil is used to lubricate the working parts inside your car or truck’s engine while ATF is used in the transmission to lubricate the gears and acts as a hydraulic fluid ensuring the smooth engagement of the various clutches and gears within the transmission.
ATF works in a “closed” system, which means it is not subject to exposure to outside elements, dirt or pollutants. Engine oil on the other hand is designed to […]

By |April 3rd, 2017|Main list|0 Comments

Quick Tip #2

Here is another tip to get you through the winter. When it snows your car gets the brunt of it. Shoveling your car out can be pain, especially if there is ice. It can become time consuming scrapping ice out of your windshield wipers. If you leave your windshield wipers up, you won’t have to spend time digging them out of snow/ice!
Although there are ways to prepare your car for the winter, there are some things you cannot prepare for. If you are experience transmission problems give Main Line Transmission a call (610) 647-8484 and we can give […]

By |February 13th, 2017|Main list|0 Comments